Ta Prohm

Ta Prohm

Wednesday 3 March 2010

Milford Sound, Queenstown, Auckland!

Oh Dear, I've left it so long since my last blog it would be a mountain to climb to go into any sort of detail about what has happened, so here's a few highlights!

We had an amazing drive to Milford Sound, loads of amazing scenery, LOADS of rain! We drove through a tunnel that went through a mountain and had no sort of lining, you could just see the rock outside the coach window, it was spoooky! Once we arrived in Milford sound the convenience store in the hostel had NO milk, not very convenient for girls who've brought tea bags! The rain condmened us to staying inside, drinking black tea (which I grew to enjoy!) and playing monopoly, cluedo and scrabble! Abi won Scrabble, Emma won monopoly and we each won a game of scrabble! lol. I was a bit of a soar loser in Monopoly I must admit, Emma was not very sisterly in her finanacial dealings! lol

The day after we went on a cruise around milford sound! Even though the low low rain clouds prevented us from seeing the amazing views that Milford Sound is famous for, the rain had caused literally hundreds of waterfalls to come crashing down the rocks because there was nowhere for it be absorbed into, which was pretttty amazing! Furthermore (reminds me of sixth form essays, bad times!) the water got so choppy that when we went outside to take photos we were all unceremoniously flung from side to side of the deck, holding onto railings chairs for dear life (well, maybe I'm exaggerating just a little bit! lol) Once we were home and dry, literally! There was the making of dinner to be undertaken, so we went to our food bags and found...OUR PASTA WAS GONE, only to find that there were a couples eating dry spirals (our pasta of choice) in the dining room, it was pretty unbelievable! lol.

We made our way back to Queenstown the next day, and have come upto Auckland today. Found beach towels we're going to need for Fiji after quite alot of asking around, got one for $10, it has turtles on! lol. Auckland is nice, tempting shops and a nice waterfront, plus a little bit of sun was much appreciated after constant rain down south!

Looking forward to alot more sun in Fiji, not so much the bugs!

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