Ta Prohm

Ta Prohm

Sunday 14 March 2010

Fiji Time!

So we got our flight from Auckland sucessfully, and stayed for a night in a hostel in Nadi, on the mainland. The following morning we got on a ferry which goes to all the 'Yasawa' Island, which are off the west coast of Fiji. Once we arrived our bags and us were ushered onto these tiny speedboats which went to the shore and then we were shown to our dorm! The beach was amazing white sand and the sea was as warm as bathwater! Pretty perfect!

We had mosquito nets on our beds but the bugs were certainly interesting, I saw the biggest moth I have ever seen, the wingspan was about 3 inches!! Also, there was a cockroach in the toilet once, Ahhhh! Apart from that it was awwwwesome! There hammocks all over the place to lie in and sleep, read or sunbathe!

Over the 5 nights we were there we didn't really get upto very much! BUT we did manage to drag ourselves out of bed at 4.30am to walk upto the summit of the island to see the sunrise and stand on the 'wobbling rock' our guide was called Nepote and was knackered himself because they had had loads of Kava the night before! LOLs. The hike was pretty knackering in the heat, even at 5 in the morning it was boiling! It was all pretty worth it for the view at the top though! (see facebook pictures!)

Another day we went snorkelling on the reef, the guide grabbed the head of a reef shark (they're super timid!) and let everyone touch it! There was loads of cool corally stuff! :)

This Blog is in NO sort of order because it was impossible to keep track of time in Fiji! lol.

We're now in Sydney but I can't be bothered to into that this evening, maybe tommorow!


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