Ta Prohm

Ta Prohm

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Rotorua - Wellington

Soooo, the Maori night, when we arrived this guy volunteered to be our tribe leader guy and he had to accept this leaf of peace after this maori warrior had done a terrifying dance with a stick where he stuck his tongue out and made his eyes all bulgy! lol. After that we all went into this room and watched them do this really cool dancing and singing and they got the men on stage to do a Haka, that dance the All Blacks do (although I definitely shouldn't be referring to it as a dance, I think thats offensive! lol.) After that we had a meal of maori food, there was stuffed chicked and other meats like they ate as well as roasted vegetables that tasted smoky! Apart from that there was LOADS of seafood which was tasty and different kinds of salads. More importantly, there was some awesome desert and the equipment to make a GOOD cup of English Breakfast tea! :)
For the meal we'd been sat by this australian family who had come to NZ as an engagement present to their daughter and her fiance, after the meal we all walked down to watch a geyser! It is the only geyser left untouched in NZ as the others have been taken by the government and used as alternative energy sources. We got sprayed with sulphury water, which was gross, and saw these rocks which glowed green with the sulphur in them! As we got on the bus to take us back to town the driver who had driven us there asked us where we were from, and recognised Emma, his best friend lived in Redditch and he had seen her walking to work! It was unbelieveable!
I have got upto date, but my internet time is running out!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous Rach!! Cardiff is laaaame!!
    I think me and Hannah are now followers of your blog through ours, modern times eh!
    Lots of love to all of you!!
